Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Thank You Notes - Five Sample Letters You Can Copy and Helpful Tips, Too

Thank you notes and thank you cards are a snap with these easy-to-use, ready-to-copy samples. Sharing gratitude with a short card or note is a great way to let the people in your life know you care. It is also a great way to let your customers and business contacts know that you are conscientious and thoughtful.

Here are a few quick tips for you to remember when sending thank you notes:

o Use the word "you" more than the word "I." It puts the focus on the person you are thanking.

Thank You Notes - Five Sample Letters You Can Copy and Helpful Tips, Too

o Hand write your thank you notes. If you have poor handwriting, then type business and job interview letters, however, nothing beats the impact of handwritten note or card.

o Send your thank you notes via post and not Email.

o Mail your notes right away. For job interviews, mail the notes the same day and make sure each person you interviewed with gets his or her own uniquely worded letter.

The five most requested thank you notes are for the job interview thank you letter, business thank you note, funeral thank you note, baby shower thank you card wording, and wedding thank you samples. The bodies of the thank you notes are provided below.

Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the (insert name of position) at (Insert Name of Company). Your detailed explanation of the position furthered my already considerable interest in working with you (or if you did not interview with someone you will be working directly insert Name of Company). Your time and consideration is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Business Thank You Letter

Thank you for choosing (Insert name of your company). Your business is appreciated, and we are proud to be your new (insert your service or product) provider (alternative words also company). Thanks again.

Funeral Thank You Note Sample

Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Your generosity and support during this difficult time is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Baby Shower Thank You Note Wording Sample

Thank you for the adorable (insert gift). Little (insert name of future child) will love it. You are a kind a generous friend. Thanks again.

Wedding Thank You Note Samples

Thank you so much for the lovely (insert gift). It will look perfect in our (insert room of the house). We will think of you every time we use it. Thanks again.

A short letter of thanks will brighten someone's day and give you more to be thankful for. By the way, thank you for reading this article.

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Go here for more free, ready to copy thank you notes. Christy Murphy is the creator of http://www.my-thank-you-site.com/ which provides free, ready-to-copy sample thank you notes for all occasions, including baby showers, along with other practical tools to demonstrate and attract gratitude in every day life. She is a writer, public speaker, and comedian, who has been featured on numerous television shows including CNN's Showbiz Today, Australia's Seven News, and CBS News in the U.S.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Persuasion in Public Speaking - Cognitive Dissonance - Passionate Power Presentations - Number 9

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful argument structure to use in persuading an audience. Cognitive dissonance occurs when you are presented with information that is inconsistent with your attitudes, values or beliefs. This causes an uncomfortable emotional feeling as you consider or hold two contradictory ideas. Cognitive dissonance theory states that people are motivated to reduce dissonance by changing or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs or behaviors when presented with a facts or a situation that violates their current attitudes, beliefs or behaviors.

Dissonance in Argument Structure

Creating dissonance in a speech can be an effective way to persuade your audience to change their attitudes, beliefs and/or behaviors.

Persuasion in Public Speaking - Cognitive Dissonance - Passionate Power Presentations - Number 9

Illustrate Audience Pain -> Then Introduce Safety or Relief

To use cognitive dissonance in an argument, first introduce a problem or need that you know is probably in violation or opposition to an attitude, belief or value held by the audience. This creates cognitive dissonance in the minds of your audience. You do this to create discomfort within the person to get their attention and to get them motivated to change the uncomfortable internal situation.

You then introduce additional information, a solution or alternative to the dissonant information that restores cognitive balance or equilibrium for the audience. By doing this, you create a logical and emotional road for the audience to travel down towards the solution you introduce.

An example of constructive use of dissonance would be to introduce the audience to the concept of personal failure. Show them, through a vivid story, the reality that if they continue with their current limiting thoughts and behaviors and their justifications for personal inaction, that they could reach the end of their life having actualized but a fraction of their dreams and potential.

This should create dissonance in your audience. Most people hope to realize their dreams and to actualize to their greatest potential in life. If you share a vivid story viscerally highlighting the reality that most people never realize anywhere near their full potential, you will create dissonance in those audience members that have high expectations of themselves and their lives.

Now, you can introduce tools that teach the audence, personal empowerment, time management or any other activity that will allow them to take greater control over their lives and their results. By doing this, you will close the gap between the pain of dissonance they feel and their dream of where they would like to be.

You have used dissonance to serve the audience. If you merely "tell" the audience: 'I have these tools that you can use" they are less likely to feel the motivation to act on their own behalf than they will be if you say "see, hear and feel this story of failure. This could be, and probably will be you, statistically speaking. Doesn't this hurt? Well I have tools that will allow you to avoid this pain AND gain the immense pleasure of personal success."

You have won. More importantly, the audience has been served and they win.

Copyright Christopher Babson - All Rights Reserved


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Chris inspires, motivates and teaches valuable tools for 1) results maximization through personal & organizational empowerment and 2) dynamic business presentations & public speaking. He does this through motivational speeches and coaching clinics. His background includes an MBA from a Top-20 school, 12 years as a Fortune-100 corporate banker, 6 years as an entrepreneur and 7 years as a professional actor in NYC, LA & Paris. His mission and skill-set are the same: to inspire & empower you and/or your organization to your greatest excellence, in communication, presentation or sales.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Public Speaking - Here's an Example of a Speech Outlined With the Talk Template

Organizing your presentation logically and coherently not only helps the audience understand your ideas and follow along easier, but it also helps you stay on track and remember your points. Here is a sample speech outline to help you understand how all the elements of a template work together -- note how some of the outline just uses key words or phrases. This is ideally how a speech should be drafted, so the speaker can speak naturally and conversationally from the key points and not have to read the speech!

How to be a Great Listener


Public Speaking - Here's an Example of a Speech Outlined With the Talk Template

I. Hook (using a quote):

The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus said, "Nature has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak." If all of use practiced this formula, it's amazing how much better our work and personal lives would be.

II. Reason to Listen:

Good listeners not only hear what's being said -- which means they receive information and can appropriately react to it -- but they are also masters of a powerful skill because they are able to fulfill two very basic human needs-to be heard and to be understood. When you let other people feel like they've been heard and understood, it opens doors, bridges differences, reduces conflict, and creates loyalty and trust. Being a good listener improves your work performance, productivity, and especially your ability to get along with other people. There is no doubt it will help you in both your professional and personal life.


I. Road Map:

Today I want to introduce you to the concept of "Active Listening" and how three simple steps, which I've captured with the acronym "ear" -- E.A.R. -- can help you improve your listening skills.

II. Definition...

A. What good listening is not...

- Marginal
- Evaluative

B. What active listening is... definition...

III. E: Engage the Speaker

A. Define: show the speaker that you're paying attention.
B. Examples of how to do it: looking him in the eye, nodding occasionally, showing appropriate facial expressions like a smile for good news or concern for distressing news, giving vocal signals such as: "mm-hmm," "yes," "really?," "I see," etc. An important tip: keep in mind that total silence does not imply listening.

IV. A: Actually hear what's being said

A. Define: pay attention and process the information.
B. How to do it:

- Concentrate on what the speaker is saying.
- Think about what the speaker means.
- Try to look at it from the speaker's perspective.
- Identify the speaker's key points.
- Recognize what emotion might be behind the words.
- Observe nonverbal cues.
- Take notes to help you capture the essence.
- Repeat key ideas to yourself to stay on track.

V. R: Respond appropriately

A. Define: Instead of saying, "Yes, but...," you let the other party know you've heard and understood him.
B. This step effectively wields the power of listening. Three forms:

1. Paraphrase- repeat the gist of the message

* So what you're saying is...

* If I understand you correctly...

2. Probe - ask questions for more information and to gain understanding

* Why do you say that?

* How do you think that will work?

3. Reflect- let speaker know you understand how he or she feels

* You must be so proud.

* How frustrating that must have been for you.


I. Summary:

You can see the importance and the value of being a good listener because there's not much else that makes any of us feel more important or more validated or more cared about than being listened to. It is easy if you work actively on the three steps I've shared with you-Engage, Actually hear, and Respond.

II. Open the floor for questions...

Now before I close, are there any questions

III. Closing:

In closing, I'd just like to invoke the words of Peter Drucker, one of the country's most respected authorities on management. He once said: "Too many executives think they are wonderful with people because they have the ability to speak well. What they fail to realize is that being wonderful with people means being able to listen well."
If you start practicing these steps today, you'll become a better listener and people will think you're wonderful!

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Barbara Busey, president of the training firm Presentation Dynamics, has been a professional speaker, trainer and author since 1990. She does training and speaking on the "dynamics" of how people "present" themselves, is the author of the book, "Stand Out When You Stand Up," and is the creator of The Compelling Speaker, a unique presentation skills training program that combines advance audio CD instruction with a hands-on, ultra participative workshop. She now offers the Compelling Speaker Certification, a turnkey system -- complete with training content & technique, business strategies, and marketing guidelines -- that positions communicators to make a living training other business professionals to become more compelling speakers. Go to Compelling Speaker Certification to see her video, listen to her audio, and learn when the next Certification training is.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Public Speaking: From Trainer to Speaker - A World of Difference

A lot of trainers have aspirations to become professional speakers and are often misled into thinking that because both activities involve speaking to a group of people they are all basically the same activity. The truth is that there are probably more differences than similarities between training and speaking.

The most obvious difference of course is with numbers. Trainers tend to deal with smaller numbers from one to one to perhaps fifty. There are exceptions, but most training courses deal with small groups of people. Speakers tend to work with larger groups. Again there are exceptions but audiences from fifty to thousands are more common.

Another apparent similarity is that both training and speaking are concerned with changing behaviour, but again each discipline approaches this in a very different way.

Public Speaking: From Trainer to Speaker - A World of Difference

A trainer usually works to a Training Gap. There is a gap between a person's actual and desired performance and the goal of the trainer is help the individual to correct that gap. That skill development may involve some significant changes in habits, knowledge and attitude. The trainer breaks the process into a number of simple steps - then they Show and Tell, Observe and Correct, Motivate and Supervise, until the new skill is mastered.

A speaker has a different challenge. The audience are not usually there because a specific training gap has been identified. The speaker is selected because there is a belief that learning about a specific topic will be of interest and benefit to members to the audience. Once the speech is over it is the responsibility of each member of the audience to decide if they want to change behaviour.

Now here is the problem with that. We learn skills that help us to survive and prosper and "if it ain't broke we don't fix it." No one sets aside the old way to seek the new until they personally feel the need to do so. The audience is only going to take action if the speaker has motivated them to do so. If they want someone to change their behaviour they have got to give them a reason so powerful that it gets them in motion - motivates them.

More importantly trying to motive someone to make two changes in behaviour is massively more difficult than to make one... and three changes, almost impossible. We can really only work on one change at a time. All the great keynote speeches I have remembered had one powerful memorable message that was repeated over and over again until I could not forget it. Compelling stories were told to inspire and motivate me to take action - facts and figures were converted into memorable image, jokes or metaphors.

The key to success as Professional Speaker is to "Specialise". Speakers focus on a very small area of change and become the expert in that. And the more successful they become the more they specialise. A trainer on the other hand is often responsible for a wide area of skill development - in fact all the skills needed in an organizations. Sales, marketing, customer care, leadership, computer skills, presentation skills, interviewing, management, supervision, etc.

Because of this need to train on almost anything, most trainers rarely use original material. Trainers pick up ideas from other speakers and trainers and import them into their courses. Using other speakers' material without a license is against the code of conduct in speakers associations around the world, but I doubt there is a speaker or trainer alive who has not at one stage in their careers, used material they picked up from another presenter and because trainers tend to work with a finite audience of staff in their organisation, it tends not to be noticed.

On the other hand a speaker really must find original material. This is not just because it is unethical to use other speaker's material; it is because the meeting planners demand originality. It is the unique material that makes a speaker special. Consider this - if you speak at an event on the same topic as an earlier speaker, will the audience be entertained or bored by your speech.

A professional speaker is an "expert who speaks for a living". If you have aspirations to be a speaker, ask yourself - "What am I really an expert in?" If you are not yet an expert, then what do you want to be an expert in. What would it take to make you an expert? Start doing it now. Reading for half an hour a day on your chosen topic for 5 years will make you an acknowledged expert. Learn to read five times faster than average and you can do it in one year.

By becoming an expert in a field, you begin to have your own story to tell. You find what motivates people and why they resist. You develop a library of stories, jokes, anecdotes, visual images, games, interactive exercises related to your field of expertise. You learn to take material from another area and change and adapt it so that it becomes original material in yours.

I don't think it's possible to develop truly great material unless you are really focused and to be a successful speaker you need truly great material. It takes time to develop, but it's worth it because it will give you a good living for years to come.

Copyright 2005 Richelle (Rikki) Arundel, UK

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Founder and First President of the Professional Speakers Association, Rikki Arundel is an International Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Writer and an expert in sales and marketing communications with an impressive track record.

Get your free copy of How to Get Customers Queuing up to Buy at http://www.SpeakingandMarketingTips.com

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Speak Clearly - The Top 7 Tricks to Instantly Improve the Clarity of Your Speech

"I'm sorry, what? I can't understand you." Have you ever heard this line? Then you probably know how embarrassing it can be to repeat something over and over again. Miscommunication can and will hold you back in today's fast-paced, international business environment. Too many people are hiding their gifts, talents and knowledge from the world due to a fear of speaking up and being misunderstood. Are you one of them?

Follow these simple tricks to instantly improve the clarity of your speech.

1) Slow Down

Speak Clearly - The Top 7 Tricks to Instantly Improve the Clarity of Your Speech

It is common sense, really; the faster you speak, the harder it is for your listener to understand. The easiest way to instantly increase the clarity of your speech is to simply slow down.

2) Pause

Pauses are effective little tools that can be employed in a number of situations. Use them to clearly separate sentences and when changing topics.

3) Speak Up

If you want to say something, really say it! Stand up straight, take a deep breath and speak on the exhale. Don't cover your mouth with your hands, a book or your notes. Make eye contact with your listeners and speak directly to them, not down to the floor or to your slides.

4) Articulate Word Endings

In our haste to get our messages out, we often times fail to enunciate word endings - the grammatical markers at the ends of words, such as the plural 's' or past tense 'ed.' If you don't articulate these sounds, it sounds like you're making very basic grammatical errors.

5) Use Clear Consonants

Here are a few examples of commonly confused consonant sounds: /b/ & /p/, /d/ & /t/, /g/ & /k/, /v/ & /f/. The first sound in each pair is voiced, whereas the second sound is voiceless.

Place your hand in front of your mouth while you say these pairs out loud:




If you are articulating the /g/ and /k/ sounds correctly, you should feel an explosion of air when you make the /k/ sound.

6) Use Consistent Word Stress

To a native English speaker, a certain word stress is considered appropriate or inappropriate depending on where the person is from.

"Inappropriate" word stress can really rub listeners the wrong way because it deviates from their norm and indicates that the speaker is an "other" - an outsider. This can be quite FRUStrating (US)/frusTRATing (UK) for the non-native speaker who is just trying to get his point across.

"So which variety is correct?" I always recommend sticking to the form you are most comfortable with. Try to be consistent with whichever variety suits you best.

7. Speak Simply

Never use a long word where a short one will do. This is a common rule most people have heard, but unfortunately very few put it into practice. Your main goal in every spoken interaction should be to have your message understood. Do this by simplifying your vocabulary and using common English words.

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Heather Hansen, founder of Singapore-based Hansen Speech & Language Training, is an executive speech and language coach, writer and trainer. If you want to boost your linguistic abilities and become a powerful speaker, visit her website http://www.hansenslt.com now for free information on how to speak clearly, correctly and confidently! Join her mailing list to receive your free special report, Speak Clearly! and as a special bonus you’ll also receive her monthly newsletter, Speak like a Star!

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Five Tips for Overcoming Public Speaking Nerves

Your mouth is dry, heart palpitating, and knees knocking. You go into panic, facing a dreaded public speaking assignment.

It doesn't have to be so.

These five tips will give you some strategies to overcome those symptoms and have the butterflies flying in formation.

Five Tips for Overcoming Public Speaking Nerves

1. Deep breathing will pull in oxygen. Adrenalin, secreted to help you deal with the fear brought on by little doubts, causes breaths to become shallow, or causes you to hold your breath. Deep breathing will help your brain work to capacity, and forcing the slower pace will quell the panic.

2. Bluff. Stand tall, with shoulders back and chest out. Smile. Even though you don't feel happy or confident, do it anyway. You will look confident and your body will fool your brain into thinking it is confident. This really works!!
Bluff - body and smile

3. Keep you mouth and throat hydrated. Plan to keep a drink on hand while you are speaking., though this sounds impossible. Visualising how you will use it if you need it, and calling up the audacity to do such a thing will carry across to your attitude as you take your place to speak, placing your glass just where you need it to be.

4. Adrenalin sends the blood rushing to the fight/flight centres of your brain at the base of the skull. Place your hand on your forehead and press gently on the bony points. This will bring the blood to the parts of the brain that need it to present your speech best.

5. Know you are prepared. Obviously this depends on actually being prepared, so take every opportunity in the days leading up to the speech to prepare your material. Be familiar with the structure of the presentation, and the ideas to use. Memorise the most important parts, and the parts you are frightened of forgetting. I would memorise the opening of the speech and in the moments before presenting it, would reassure myself that I knew that part, and that would lead on to the rest. It worked!!

If you want to develop your speaking confidence, visit an ITC club. You will have the chance to find the strategies that work for you and perfect them. ITC offers a supportive environment and constructive evaluation for you to develop your communication skills.

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Bronwyn Ritchie is a speaker, writer, librarian and trainer and she manages Pivotal Points - resources for the times in your life when you pivot - change direction - towards a better you, a better life.

For tips, articles and courses on public speaking and presentations, visit http://www.consultpivotal.com/public_speaking.htm

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Poor Boy - a Declamation Piece

Look at me!!! I am part of the masses... the facet of society many so often push around... Why can't they ever stop to think... that, I am human too... that I, too, feel like them... Why can't you answer me??? You must have something in mind... Why can't you answer me??? I know you must have something in mind... Where is their sense of morality??? They trampled upon me as if I was trash... I never did them any wrong!!! Was it a sin I committed when I came to this world as a poor boy??? A poor boy... yes that's what I am... A state of being I didn't even choose at the first place. Was it a sin I committed, to be born like this?? Now tell me!!! Did you ever have the right to choose your status in life when you were born??? Think!!! Before you condemn me... Do I ever have a choice?

I am deprived of all the chances in life... I am looked down upon by people as someone who is too dirty... too smelly... too poor... but I have a heart... Yes!!! I have a golden heart... For every coin I get out of begging helps my younger siblings to survive. The money I earn goes a long way to feed my family... How about you??? How do you feed your family??? Are you 100% sure you work decent enough to earn more??? Are you sure that the money you earned didn't come from a dirty strategy other corrupt politicians used to do to gain power? Can you honestly look at your child straight in the eye true to your heart's core and with a clear conscience?? Have you ever been aware that the money you use to feed your family is an outcome of your hard labor and decent job you can always be proud of??? WHY DID YOU SUDDENLY BECOME QUIET??? WHAT IS IN YOUR MIND NOW?? Tell me!!! Come on, tell me!!!

Huh!!! You have good clothes, you never experienced sleeping without a roof, you eat good food, you enjoy the comforts of life... But, somewhere deep in your mind, your conscience haunts you... Yes... you will never sleep good... Within your subconscious mind, your guilty conscience still haunts you, constantly reminding you about your evil ways... Wow... And you still think you are clean???

Poor Boy - a Declamation Piece

Outside, you smell fresh and clean, but deep within your soul... I know you stink... Oh... I believe that kind of smell goes through your body... Yes your soul is bound to burn in hell!!! And look at me! I am just a poor boy... honestly begging for mercy from people like you, to feed my brothers and sisters... to survive, but I never stepped down on anyone. I never stole from anyone nor did I ever use anyone to improve our lives... I can sleep good... Can you??? With a kind conscience like that, well, I don't think so. You will never sleep well... you don't have any right to sleep with a sound mind and a light heart...

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Composed by Mary Ann Villanueva Oppus
A declamation piece composed last 22 July 2008, revised 22 June 2009
For a young male student contestant based in China

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Public Speaking - Types of Speeches

Have you ever tried to create a speech, but the ideas just didn't seem to gel? You know: they seem good enough, they support your message, but they just don't go together.

When preparing your speech, it helps if you know what type of speech you want to create. There are four types:

Informational: this is the most prevalent type of speech. Your goal is to provide information to your audience. It is often presented with a series of numbers, statistics, and many PowerPoint slides... which tend to make it overdrawn and boring. Inspiring: in this type of speech, you seek to inspire your audience to change something in their lives. This is often called a "motivational speech". In fact, that is a misnomer. Motivation comes from within, nobody can give it to you. Inspiration seeks to draw that motivation from audience members in order to get them to act. Entertaining: the main goal of this speech is to make the audience laugh and to enjoy themselves. These ais the format of most after-dinner speeches. Notice that an entertaining speech is not the same as a standup routine. It is much smoother and logical in its flow. In an entertaining speech, the message comes second to the enjoyment of the audience. Persuasive: it aims to convince an audience of your point of view.Typically, this is a sales presentation. Your goal is to convince an audience of the benefits of your product or service, and your speech is constructed accordingly.

Public Speaking - Types of Speeches

Although your speech focuses on one of these types, it helps if you can include aspects of each type in your final delivery. A sales speech will be much more effective if it contains information, is entertaining, and inspiring.

If you have trouble figuring out which ideas to keep and which ones to chuck, first decide on a type of speech and keep only the ideas which fit that type. Once you've got the core elements in place, add elements that will enhance it without taking away from the core message.

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Laurent Duperval consults and trains on communication issues. He publishes the "Communicate To Motivate" electronic newsletter, which aims to help leaders improve their communication, public speaking, and presentation skills to dramatically improve their results.

You can reach him at http://www.duperval.com

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Note Samples - Ready to Copy Thank You Note Samples You Can Use Today

One of the most powerful phrases in the human language is "thank you." If you have heard about The Secret and the Law of Attraction it is easy to see the benefit of thank you notes. In short, the more you show your appreciation, the more you will have to appreciate.

I have assembled the five most requested thank you note samples from my website for your personal and business needs.

Personal Thank You Note Samples

Thank You Note Samples - Ready to Copy Thank You Note Samples You Can Use Today

For formal gift-giving occasions such as weddings, baby showers, funerals, first communion, christening, and bar mitzvahs, a thank you note is considered standard etiquette. You will avoid hurt feelings, and kick start you karma by sending your thank you note today.

Thank You for the Gift

o Dear ___________,

Thank you for the lovely (insert specific gift). I will think of you every time I use it. Your thoughtfulness made my (insert occasion such as birthday, wedding or graduation) all the more special. Thanks again.

Love, (or Sincerely)

Your Name

Thank You for Party Attendance

o Dear ___________,

Thank you for coming to my (insert occasion such as birthday, wedding or retirement) party. I am so glad you came. It would not have been as much fun without you. Thanks again.


Your Name

Business Thank You Note Samples

Saying thank you in business keeps your customers coming back. You spend a lot of money getting them to choose you. Showing your appreciation for their business is an inexpensive tool you cannot afford to miss out on.

Sales Thank You Notes

For Service

Dear Mr./Ms _________

Thank you for choosing our (insert service such as dry cleaning, floor care, ) service(s). In today's competitive market place, we appreciate you have many choices for your (insert service) needs. We pride ourselves on honoring our customers, and our continued commitment is to provide you with the personal, prompt and professional service you deserve. We look forward to serving you. Thanks again.


Your Name

For Product

Dear Mr./Ms _________

Thank your for your business. We know that in today's competitive market place, customers have many choices when purchasing a/an (insert product). We appreciate you choosing our high-quality (insert product) and know you made the best choice. Our continued reputation as one of the top retailers (or wholesalers, distributors, etc.) in the (insert type) industry rests with each and every customer. (Insert name of your business or store) stands behind our quality products, and we want to let you know we are here if you need us. Should you, a family member or friend, have need for a/an (insert product), please do not hesitate to have them contact us. Thanks, again.


Your Name

Naturally, these thank you note samples may not cover all of your needs. For more free thank you note samples like these visit: www.my-thank-you-site.com

Here a few tips for your thank you notes:

o Send your notes as soon as possible. (But it's never too late to give thanks)

o Hand-write your personal thank you note. You may type your note for business thank you notes on your company stationary.

o Mailing your thank you note is better than E-mail, however, and E-mail is better than no thank you at all.

Use one of these thank you note samples today, and you are guaranteed to discover you have that much more to be thankful for.

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Christy Murphy is the founder of http://www.my-thank-you-site.com which provides find free thank you note samples for all occasions such as job interviews, workplace, weddings, baby showers, funerals along with with thank you quotes, poems and gratitude tips for your thank you cards and letters.

She is a writer, public speaker, and comedian, who has been featured on numerous television shows including CNN's Showbiz Today, Australia's Seven News, and CBS News in the U.S. Thank you for reading her bio.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Public Speaking - How to Write a Great Speech

The first step to delivering a great speech is writing a great speech. Taking the time to write a quality speech with useful content will do wonders for your confidence and delivering the speech is about confidence.

Choose Your Topic

Choosing a topic you like is probably the single most important step in writing your speech. It is very difficult to write about something in which you have no interest. So, give careful thought to the subject of your speech and choose a topic that will interest you as well as your audience.

Public Speaking - How to Write a Great Speech

Once you have chosen the topic of your speech, write a sentence that clearly states your topic and your position. Remember, that until you can express your subject in one sentence you're not ready to write the speech.

Develop Your Points

You will need to decide on how many points you use to support your main topic. The average number of points in a speech is three. But if your time is less than ten minutes, you may have time for only one or two points. Likewise, if your speech is longer than thirty minutes you need to add more points. The decision is up to you. But remember don't cut the closing, it is far more important than the points.

Once you have determined which points you are going to use, write a paragraph dealing with each point. You should use facts, statistics and stories to develop your content. The best speech will use a combination of stories with facts or stories with statistics. A speech with only facts and statistics will be dry and boring. Don't let that happen to you.

Create Your Opening

You want your opening to grab the audience's attention and prepare them for the message you prepared. If you have chosen your topic and developed your points putting the opening together will be easy. Your opening should state your topic, your position and your points. So your audience knows what to expect.

A great way to get people's attention is to start your opening with a question. A question can get everyone thinking an involved. Another possibility is to open with a quote that pertains to your topic or start with something controversial. Any of these will get the audience involved and keep them with you.

Create Your Closing

The most important part of your speech is the closing with the opening being a close second. Your closing should recap what you were saying in your points, have a story that relates to the audience and have a call to action.

If your speech was important then you will want to end with a call to action. The audience wants to know what they should do next and they expect you to tell them. So, tell them exactly what you want them to do and how to do it.

A powerful technique for ending your speech is to use a well crafted question followed by a moment of silence. This is a powerful technique you should work at developing.

Read It and Rewrite It

Now take your opening, your points and your closing and bring them together in one document. Then read your document and notice the words you have used. Try other words to see if you get a better result. Experiment with words until your document flows smoothly.

Finally, rewrite it. Every time you read it and rewrite it you will improve it. Do this until it flows smoothly and effortlessly for you.


Now that you have written your speech, read it and rewritten it; you must practice it. Practice it when you are in the car during your commute, practice in front of your family and friends. The more you practice your speech the better it flow and the better your gestures will become.

Follow this formula and you will have a great speech.


Choose an interesting topic. Develop your supporting points. (body) Write an exciting opening. Create a compelling closing. Read and rewrite. Practice

Public Speaking - How to Write a Great Speech
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I invite you to learn more about speeches and presentations at http://greatpublicspeaking.net/ecourse.html

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