Organizing your presentation logically and coherently not only helps the audience understand your ideas and follow along easier, but it also helps you stay on track and remember your points. Here is a sample speech outline to help you understand how all the elements of a template work together -- note how some of the outline just uses key words or phrases. This is ideally how a speech should be drafted, so the speaker can speak naturally and conversationally from the key points and not have to read the speech!
How to be a Great Listener
I. Hook (using a quote):
The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus said, "Nature has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak." If all of use practiced this formula, it's amazing how much better our work and personal lives would be.
II. Reason to Listen:
Good listeners not only hear what's being said -- which means they receive information and can appropriately react to it -- but they are also masters of a powerful skill because they are able to fulfill two very basic human needs-to be heard and to be understood. When you let other people feel like they've been heard and understood, it opens doors, bridges differences, reduces conflict, and creates loyalty and trust. Being a good listener improves your work performance, productivity, and especially your ability to get along with other people. There is no doubt it will help you in both your professional and personal life.
I. Road Map:
Today I want to introduce you to the concept of "Active Listening" and how three simple steps, which I've captured with the acronym "ear" -- E.A.R. -- can help you improve your listening skills.
II. Definition...
A. What good listening is not...
- Marginal
- Evaluative
B. What active listening is... definition...
III. E: Engage the Speaker
A. Define: show the speaker that you're paying attention.
B. Examples of how to do it: looking him in the eye, nodding occasionally, showing appropriate facial expressions like a smile for good news or concern for distressing news, giving vocal signals such as: "mm-hmm," "yes," "really?," "I see," etc. An important tip: keep in mind that total silence does not imply listening.
IV. A: Actually hear what's being said
A. Define: pay attention and process the information.
B. How to do it:
- Concentrate on what the speaker is saying.
- Think about what the speaker means.
- Try to look at it from the speaker's perspective.
- Identify the speaker's key points.
- Recognize what emotion might be behind the words.
- Observe nonverbal cues.
- Take notes to help you capture the essence.
- Repeat key ideas to yourself to stay on track.
V. R: Respond appropriately
A. Define: Instead of saying, "Yes, but...," you let the other party know you've heard and understood him.
B. This step effectively wields the power of listening. Three forms:
1. Paraphrase- repeat the gist of the message
* So what you're saying is...
* If I understand you correctly...
2. Probe - ask questions for more information and to gain understanding
* Why do you say that?
* How do you think that will work?
3. Reflect- let speaker know you understand how he or she feels
* You must be so proud.
* How frustrating that must have been for you.
I. Summary:
You can see the importance and the value of being a good listener because there's not much else that makes any of us feel more important or more validated or more cared about than being listened to. It is easy if you work actively on the three steps I've shared with you-Engage, Actually hear, and Respond.
II. Open the floor for questions...
Now before I close, are there any questions
III. Closing:
In closing, I'd just like to invoke the words of Peter Drucker, one of the country's most respected authorities on management. He once said: "Too many executives think they are wonderful with people because they have the ability to speak well. What they fail to realize is that being wonderful with people means being able to listen well."
If you start practicing these steps today, you'll become a better listener and people will think you're wonderful!
Barbara Busey, president of the training firm Presentation Dynamics, has been a professional speaker, trainer and author since 1990. She does training and speaking on the "dynamics" of how people "present" themselves, is the author of the book, "Stand Out When You Stand Up," and is the creator of The Compelling Speaker, a unique presentation skills training program that combines advance audio CD instruction with a hands-on, ultra participative workshop. She now offers the Compelling Speaker Certification, a turnkey system -- complete with training content & technique, business strategies, and marketing guidelines -- that positions communicators to make a living training other business professionals to become more compelling speakers. Go to Compelling Speaker Certification to see her video, listen to her audio, and learn when the next Certification training is.
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